These women have chosen to bleed Orange and pursue excellence at a university with some of the highest ranked undergraduate programs in the nation as members as one of the up and coming names in the collegiate rowing field. The group is a collection of outstanding competitors who Moore believes embodies the traits of successful oarswomen. Aside from being one of the most physiologically capable recruited classes with the height, power, and racing results to prove it, these young women have already demonstrated leadership, raw athleticism, technical skill, maturity, fearlessness, emotional poise, energy, academic excellence, determination, and desire. These are the types of qualities it takes to shine both athletically and academically at Syracuse and will ultimately serve the women well beyond their collegiate experiences. The rowers hail from across the U.S. and abroad, representing the states of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Washington, and New Hampshire, and the countries of Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. The coaching staff continues to recruit the highest level of talent both nationally and internationally as they build a roster with the depth and strength to compete with the top collegiate programs in the country.
We here at SARA are incredibly excited to continue following these student-athletes as they develop and grow and the program as a whole as the women return to campus to get back to their studies and training at the end of the month.
prospective rowers / walk-ons
Are you a rising high school senior or a Syracuse student who wants to be a part of Syracuse Rowing? Get the conversation started with the coaching staff and learn more about the walk-on process by following the links below. You never know how picking up an oar with the Orange may change your life whether it leads to Olympic Gold, life-long friendships, or increased confidence in your own potential.