SARA welcomes you to our Annual Meeting, held at Manley Field House in the Melo Center. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. There is a basketball game at 4pm versus Miami. Joey Peter '69 is planning his annual birthday soiree after the meeting, to which everyone is invited. For those that cannot make the trip, we are planning a live webcast. A weblink and agenda will be available shortly. Please confirm your attendance by emailing SARA President Lynne Pascale '81 ( ALSO - We will have our Pizza - Phone-'n-Facebook-a-thon for data updates the evening before in Room 105i of the Stevenson Academic Center at Manley Field House starting at 6:00 PM. Please let Lynne know if you will be able to help out Friday evening.
More updates to follow. You are an important member of our crew - we hope you can join us!