Friday 9/19 -
· Set –up workers for boathouses, bars, tables, etc. Arrive 10 AM Friday at the boathouse (Spouses & significant others welcome to help)
· Someone to bring snacks/coffee, etc. for the workers.
· FRIDAY VOLUNTEERS CONTACT JOSH STRATTON joshua.stratton@lpl.com OR BILL PURDY Bill.purdy7@gmail.com.
Saturday 9/20 –
· Registration – someone in charge of registration and helpers: especially important to have someone during the boat dedications while people are still coming in. Two early registration helpers need to arrive at 3 PM. Rotating shifts from 3 until 6. Need non-rowers to help out during recreational row time.
· Recreational row line ups – someone in charge and helpers. Need to arrive 3 PM. Done by time of recreational row at 5.
· Bring snacks for rowers: Orange Gatorade, water bottles, apples, power/granola bars and someone in charge to set it up and keep tidy. If all board members bring one thing we will have enough to go around. Extras can go to the student athletes. 4-5:30.
· Retail – selling books, glasses, stickers. Two people. Open 5:30 to 7:30 at a table near the bar.
· SATURDAY VOLUNTEERS CONTACT LYNNE PASCALE lynnepacale@hotmail.com 315-415-7616