DEC 3 @ 7:30

Coaches Call & SARA Annual Meeting

Coaches CalL

The call will feature Dave Reischman and Luke McGee discussing their plan for the upcoming year. They'll highlight the athletes making a difference and the ways you can help cheer on their success!


In accordance with our By-Laws, we are required to hold an annual meeting of members to elect Directors and address other business matters. However, this year, there will be no election of Directors as their terms have been extended to two years. Instead, we will provide a brief update on SARA’s finances, goals, accomplishments, and fundraising plans for the upcoming year. 

Curious about how you can get involved with SARA? Click the link above to never miss another update about Syracuse Rowing. We'll help you learn how you can help bring alumni together and support the teams growth!

Feeling generous? SARA would love to harness your time, talent or treasure to give back to the the Rowing Teams! Help support the next generation of Syracuse rowing by giving to SARA this holiday season. Every little bit helps to keep equipment up to date and our rowers going forward!

Additional Zoom Details

If the link doesn't work join with the information below:

Meeting ID: 850 0023 6753
Passcode: 184754

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,85000236753#,,,,*184754# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,85000236753#,,,,*184754# US