Crew of 1959 - Hall of Fame...Reflections on the Weekend

From SARA President Jason Premo:

Well, for those who were unable to attend, we had a very successful, very feel-good weekend. Eight of the nine Champions returned to Syracuse, as did two of the spares and the manager! It was wonderful to see how impactful their rowing experience at SU was, and remains to be, in their lives. And equally nice that their return brought such happiness and fond memories.

The '59 guys and the '56 Frosh Champions each had nice private dinners ("filled with tears" as one oarsman put it) Friday night, followed by a small gathering at Pascales.

Saturday morning two alumni boats took to the water, including the original Champion line-up from 50 years ago! An able Chuck Levy gladly filled in at 4 seat. They Champs looked smooth and invigorated by being back out there. After the row, the '59 Boat was inducted into the Syracuse Rowing Hall of Fame*, and given plaques, framed photos, and awesome commemorative shirts, designed by Lynne Pascale. A few members of the squad, including Captain Jim Kries had some stirring words to share, again reminding us of the power of their experiences here. Then more than 50 of us attended the football game ....ehem....

Many headed to the follow-up gathering at the Inn Complete (thanks Tracy!), where we all had another chance to hear stories from the Champs before everyone said goodbye.

In all, a great weekend, and an encouraging reminder that we should continue to put such events together and embrace the history and community that Syracuse Rowing provides us with.

Enjoy the Fall, Everyone!
